Thursday, September 02, 2010

You calling me fat, Armstrong?!

Like all mothers of a new baby, I am starving, angry, and just a bit lightheaded. Ah, the joyful post-natal ritual of calorie restriction ...
I have been using the calorie tracker application available on the Livestrong website to keep tabs of every tasteless morsel that passes my lips. I logged on this afternoon to dutifully report my quarter-cup of cottage cheese when Livestrong challenged me to a fun little game of Truth or Dare.

Well, not so much Truth, more like Wildly-Insulting-Dare.

Oh yeah. Livestrong just suggested that I lose two-hundred pounds. Believe it.


Screw you, Lance Armstong, and the bike you rode in on.



Don't you shush me, Lefty.