First off: I love your products, specifically the fruit crisps. Yum!
Okay, now you are aware that I come to you out of love, you will hopefully not begrudge me for playing grammar cop. On the back of your packaging it states:
our products … All raw materials and finished products are
tested daily to insure 100% purity and the best possible quality.
I appreciate and admire the guarantee on the package, but I am 99% certain you are misusing the term insure when you mean ensure.
I say 99% sure, because I suppose it is possible that you are actually referring to some sort of financial liability policy that would pay you for any damages resulting from a less than quality product (in which case the usage here would be correct). I strongly suspect, however, that you are making a specific promise of a quality or condition (ENSURE) rather than referring to limiting financial liability (INSURE).
Sorry to even write this email. Frankly, I disgust myself a little bit for bothering you. I only want good things for you and your tasty products, Brothers-All-Natural! I would hate for your magnificent product to be shunned by grammar-whackos – and you know they are out there.
With warmest regards,