. . . but our refrigerator is actually a portal to another dimension!
Max went looking for a late night snack, but found the gateway to a parallel universe.
glorifying the insignificant
. . . but our refrigerator is actually a portal to another dimension!
Max went looking for a late night snack, but found the gateway to a parallel universe.
Posted by Reluctant Kerry at 3:06 PM 0 comments
Labels: parenthood
" Check it ladies, no mess here! "
" See! "
" I am kicking the stuffing out of the MENZEEEEES! "
" You best not be looking at my hooey. "
And the most horrible of Playtex's menstrual crotch-shots . . .
" Check out my period spirit! WOOOOO! "
- - - - - UPDATE - - - -
Diedre from over at Craft Cabana makes some compeling points in the comments:
And the voice over shouting her approval: "may the best protection win!" WTF,O? Also, in the 28 years that I've managed with just the regular tampons, I've never once encountered the need for "no slip grip." And while we are on the subject, how does the backup layer know it's the backup? Does it sit on the bench until it sees a situation developing?
I am still chuckling (and cringing) about potential injuries sustaind for want of a no-slip grip.
Posted by Reluctant Kerry at 10:27 PM 2 comments
Last night a number of protesters picketed outside of an LDS Temple in New York to voice their support of gay marriage and decry those Church members who supported California's Proposition 8.
Demonstrators conveyed a bit of a mixed message.
"Shame on you!" the large crowd chanted in a 1-2-3 syncopation while looking up at the temple. Several protesters held signs asking "Did you cast a ballot or a stone?" while other signs read "Latter Day H8" and "Church of Mormon" with an X drawn over the second M to read "MORON."
Posted by Reluctant Kerry at 3:24 PM 1 comments
ME: Hi, this is Kerry.
CALLER: Well, it’s not supposed to be.
ME: You sound like my mother’s obstetrician.
Posted by Reluctant Kerry at 3:36 PM 6 comments
Posted by Reluctant Kerry at 4:23 PM 0 comments
Labels: parenthood
Last year I posted this Halloween story about my first grade witch's brew whose rather macabre recipe was published in the local paper - much to my mother's horror.
The last item being the ingredient my dear mother found unacceptably weird and abhorrent for a young child.
Nearly twenty-four Halloween seasons later, we picked up a great book for Max. The book is called Frankenstein Makes a Sandwich by Adam Rex.
Love it! It is a fantastic book.
That's right! KID and KIDNEY pies !!! I am not alone! I am not the only weirdo creating imaginary confections made from tender young organ meat. Thank you, thank you, a thousand times, thank you Adam Rex for make me feel like less of a freak show.
Posted by Reluctant Kerry at 3:44 PM 1 comments
Labels: Halloween
And now . . . a series of awkward, confusing and, uncomfortable photos:
Posted by Reluctant Kerry at 1:34 PM 7 comments
Labels: Political
I came across this ad while reading a legal journal.
Oh, so often I have shaken hands with the likes of the jackass shown above. To be truthful I have never found these vice-grip-blowhards to be the most formidable of opponents. The way I figure, if these guys think it is necessary to put the power grip on a diminutive attorney who barely looks old enough to drive, it can't say much about their own legal acuity. In short, I have learned the more aggressive opposing counsel is, the less intimidated I am by them.
I have, therefore made up my mind regarding the firm placing this ridiculous (reprickulous?) ad.
Posted by Reluctant Kerry at 5:33 PM 0 comments
While we were visiting Zion National Park, an Italian tourist backed up his truck and crunched right into the fender of our car.
So after about seventy-two phone calls we were able to locate an honest-to-God insurance company with whom to place our claim.
While my vehicle is in the shop I have had the pleasure of driving a Chevy Silverado extended cab pickup truck. This vehicle is a behemoth. Not only to I make a complete fool of myself every time I try to park this monster, but the gas mileage is KILLING me!
I think I found the problem, though. Underneath the gas cap lives a real-life Gas Guzzler.Can you see him in there? Let's say hello . . .
Posted by Reluctant Kerry at 7:02 PM 0 comments
My family was driving down the highway when we passed a recreational vehicle with the adorable little name of "INTRUDER"
When Matt and I reach that magical age when we buy matching sweatsuits, take up square dancing, and enter the RV market, I don't think we will want to buy a camper with such a mamby-pamby name. Oh no. We will be looking for something just a tad more menacing, more environmentally terroristic. Something along these lines:
Posted by Reluctant Kerry at 10:19 AM 2 comments
I'm already learning so much in my new state of Utah! Here's what came up in today's research:
There are formal procedures one must take if they intend to abuse their household members. That's just smart legislation! If you legalize cohabitant abuse then you can regulate it - hell you can even tax it.
Okay . . . in fairness to to the good people of Utah, this Chapter applies to the procedures by which abusers are arrested, charged, and sentenced. But you MUST agree the choice of words is funny if unfortunate.
Posted by Reluctant Kerry at 1:30 PM 2 comments
Posted by Reluctant Kerry at 5:26 PM 0 comments
Labels: Political
Posted by Reluctant Kerry at 1:09 PM 0 comments
By way of update, we bought a new house, I started a great new job, and the commute is breathtakingly beautiful.
My complaint: the traffic!
It took me more than two hours to get to work one day last week. I would have taken a different route to work, but no one warned me there would be a cattle drive in the middle of the interstate that morning.
Here's the picture message I sent to my boss:
Posted by Reluctant Kerry at 9:41 AM 3 comments
Restore my "skin's natural beauty" ? As natural as yellow eyes below a crown of acrylic nails, perhaps?
I'll be adding Doc Jepson to my list of plastic surgeons I won’t be using.
Posted by Reluctant Kerry at 12:29 AM 0 comments
We spotted this on a VW Bug the other day:
Made me chuckle hard enough that I almost considered foregoing the assistance of a board certified physician to deliver any additional children we might have in the future . . .
. . . then that absurd thought made me chuckle even harder.
Let me just make public my labor and delivery policy: NO ONE in Birkenstocks comes near me or my kid. There. I said it.
Posted by Reluctant Kerry at 12:45 AM 0 comments
Now that we are back in the Mountain West (Hooray!) we got in a little white water action.
Matt got right into his gear and hopped into the raft looking confident and handsome as ever.
Posted by Reluctant Kerry at 2:42 PM 0 comments
After hearing of my dad's continued heartache and sorrow which could be caused only by prolonged exposure to hundreds of contractors, I returned to the Despair Inc. poster generator.
My dad's a funny guy. A funny, frustrated guy.
Posted by Reluctant Kerry at 9:14 AM 0 comments
We went to Utah last week for a battery of job interviews. My brother was kind enough to let us stay at his house. I was in his back yard when I noticed his neighbors' passive-aggressive message to my brother and his family:
That's right, Utahans see nothing inappropriate in flipping their neighbors topiary fingers.
At least Wyomingites are more direct with their gestures:
Posted by Reluctant Kerry at 6:49 PM 2 comments
Caught on Tape: Naked Woman Slams SUV
Holy Heck! What have we got ourselves into?
Posted by Reluctant Kerry at 4:02 PM 2 comments
I am officially unemployed. I just wrapped up my old job and am now fully immersed in that most joyful of undertakings: the job hunt. .
¯I'm a-movin’ on up . . . ¯
Posted by Reluctant Kerry at 2:35 PM 2 comments
As I sit impatiently at my desk waiting . . . waiting . . . and waiting, it occured to me:
The longer you have to wait on the person ahead of you in the restroom:
Posted by Reluctant Kerry at 3:57 PM 3 comments
Labels: employment
Posted by Reluctant Kerry at 10:24 AM 1 comments
The eternal question: What is the greatest gift I could give my family?
Posted by Reluctant Kerry at 9:34 AM 3 comments
Labels: rants
Google keeps track of the terms you search. For those of you to whom this is news, I suggest you go back and clear your history. Trust me on this, you don't want your kid to be looking up "Bunsen Burners" for her science project only to discover that you have a deep seeded bunion fetish.
Anyhoo . . . I typed in the letter "f " into Google this afternoon and noticed this odd search term:
For the life of me, I cannot recall any projects that would have required "fat chicks" research.
What I have here is a real-life whodunit. WHO has been using my office computer? WHAT were they looking for? WHEN did this happen? WHY the hell didn't they use their own computer?!
If anyone has information that would assist in my office sleuthing, please drop me a line.
Posted by Reluctant Kerry at 5:09 PM 3 comments
Labels: employment
Posted by Reluctant Kerry at 1:24 PM 0 comments
Labels: employment, parenthood, signs
It was like the perfect storm.
(We are working on the coarse language around our house)
It's trying times like these when one must remember to "count your blessing." For instance, I am grateful to be living in this age of modern prosthesis.
Posted by Reluctant Kerry at 9:36 AM 6 comments
Labels: mishaps, parenthood